5 Steps to Start a Successful Business According to a Business Coaching Expert
Mar 26, 2024
If you’ve come up with a fantastic business idea, it’s never too late to start. There are so many possibilities out there, I always say don’t wait for anything.
This is your life — not a dry run. Don’t give up your point of view for anyone else’s. However, it helps to know the creative processes and the three energies required for success.
Every business starts with a new idea; that’s the generative energy. These are the wonderful “Wow” moments of your life. You get enthusiastic and filled with a sense of infinite possibilities.
Some people are great at coming up with ideas for business, but sometimes they lack in other areas.
Now here are the 5 steps to starting a Successful Business According to a Business Coaching Expert:
1) In the beginning you don’t need to spend a bunch of money on an LLC. Do this when you start having income.
The first thing to do is ask yourself questions:
-Who are my ideal clients?
-What would I like to offer?
-What is energetically congruent to charge?
-How much fun can I have with this?
-Choose a name: What name matches the energy of the business I’d like to create?
2) Check out your competitors. What is the energy of their business? What words do they use on their website? What would you like the energy of your business to be like?
3) Create a website and add your business to Google My Business. Use keywords and Search Engine Optimization to create your website or you can hire a website developer. There is loads of information on YouTube about SEO and how to do it yourself.
4) Start offering your services and start telling people about them. Make business cards, and get the word out. Don’t be shy about telling people what you have to offer. Charge what feels energetically congruent for you but also be willing to be uncomfortable with the amount you’re asking for.
5) Know that there are 3 energies that businesses require to function: Creator, Mover, Connector, and Foundational Person:
Creators are those who are always looking for possibilities. They are the ones who come up with ideas. Their talent is seeing what is possible in business and life. They’re the ones who have a million ideas. But sometimes they aren’t necessarily good at implementing these ideas.
Creators get an idea for a business and can see the beginning and what it may look like in the future but aren’t necessarily able tpo see the middle ground which is about how to make it happen.
Movers are people who know how to run a business. They are futurists and their specialty is knowing what has to be put in place today to expand the business tomorrow. A mover looks at the possibilities and asks, “What is going to be required next?” When you’re planning a convention a party, or a class a mover is the person who books the venue, gets the flyers printed, and makes sure there are enough chairs for everyone.
They are always 10, 20, or 50 steps ahead of what is going on. They create a flow and ease for your business. They are planners and know what to do ahead of time.
These are the people who are great at making connections. Their talent and ability is knowing who to talk to, when to talk to them, and what to say.
These people have fifty million phone numbers in their phone and they always know the person to call. Their strong suit is talking to people. They are great at sales and they’re great on the phone. Connectors will talk to anyone about anything. They are essential to the success of a business.
Often a connector will come to your business pay for your product or service and tell everyone they know how great you are. They want everyone to know about you. When someone says “You have to go to this hairdresser! She is fabulous!” That’s a connector. Connectors do things because connecting is joyful for them.
These people have the combined abilities of connectors, movers, and creators. They are great at all three things. They can stand alone and do all of the roles. They make a wonderful coordinator because they have the awareness of how to connect how to move and how to create. They see all aspects of a business and they know what is needed in each area.
Which one are you?
Here are some questions you can ask to create your business:
-How can I increase the money flow into the business?
-Is there anything I can change here?
-What would it take to increase my income?
-What else can I add to my business?
-Who can I add to my business? (Creator, Mover, Connector)
-What can I add to the services I offer?
-How many revenue streams can I create with my business?
-What magic can I invite into my business today?
Ask the universe for assistance!
Would you like to connect with a Joy of Business Coach and have some guidance on what is truly possible for you and your business?
Find a Joy of Business Facilitator near you or in your language here: https://www.accessjoyofbusiness.com/facilitators
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